Sunday, April 21, 2024

Forsythias, Magnolias, and Cherries (Oh MY!)

Saturday must have been the most scenic day possible in the cemetery.  The forsythia were in full, abundant bloom; the magnolias were in early bloom so the purple was ascendant over the white; and the cherry blossoms wore their early bright pink. Every turn in the path brought another spectacular colour pallet.  A grey sky provided a contrast that enhanced the bright hues.

After drinking in this beauty, we went to Oriole Park to pick up garbage for Earth Day.  The sleet (or was it hail?) pelted down and it became cold! After purging the park of cigarette butts, we hurried  to a warm welcome, scented by croissants, for a breakfast of coffee, bagels and goodies.  Features were home-made marmalade! pistachio cake!  very chocolate brownies!  As always, the opportunity to chat and catch up with folks who walk at a different (faster than me) pace was delightful.

Another Saturday morning with the TPW!  Aren't we blessed?