Monday, April 15, 2024

Movies on a Rainy Day (BY DANIELLE)


In case you hadn’t noticed, we have had a LOT of rain recently. The brave people who seem to be happy when wet, are madly training away for events to come. Others have taken the sage advice of one of our members and settled down on the couch (sofa, settee, chesterfield, etc.) to watch movies. Now some of us grew up with a horror of turning the television on during daylight hours. Others grew up with the television providing background sound and light to their days. But few of us were sent to play outside in a downpour. This is why, lately, we can enjoy streaming movies without the guilt instilled in us by those parents who thought of screens as a terrible indulgence and a waste of a day.

Thanks to P.’s recommendation, I spent a pleasurable time watching Bill Nighy (one of my all-time favourite actors) in The Beautiful Game, and thanks to my husband, watched Scoop, a film about how the BBC managed to get Prince Andrew to talk about his involvement with sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein. What an afternoon! I feel like I had a chance to peer (pun intended) into the depths of the British class system. I am not going to write a thesis here but would be very happy to involve any of my fellow walkers in a discussion on the topic – the next time the sun shines on us.