Monday, April 29, 2024

The Many Benefits of Friendship (BY PHILIPPA)

Oh my, how much better life is with friends! There we were on Saturday morning, a small group of stalwart (or insane) women, walking in the rain together albeit for a very short time (we're not that insane!) before thankfully retreating in the pouring rain to B's home for a birthday celebration. We were welcomed even though we were dripping wet and it felt so wonderful as we warmed ourselves up. Turning seventy is quite the milestone and deserves our respect as well as a party, I believe (being in the over seventy club myself). And so we did with sparkly wine, mimosas, appetizers and a birthday cake with candles. There is so much to be thankful for even in the midst of difficult times as we look out for each other.
And then on Sunday, three of us met early in the morning to walk 17 km as we prepare for the Ottawa race in May. We dodged the rain and finished just before the drops began to fall. It is so much more fun to have company on these long distance walks, making them seem not nearly so difficult to endure. Walk on, my friends till we get to the end of the road.