Sunday, February 11, 2024

False Spring? (BY DANIELLE)

 It is February 10 th , and a snowdrop has opened in my garden. A robin, sounding slightly confused, woke me up this morning. It has been warm and sunny for two days and neighbours I haven’t seen since the fall are out on their porches. While I am trying to control my gardening urges, I decided, likely against reason, to do a bit of winter pruning of some shrubs. I am not removing the dead leaves covering the flower bulbs nor the anti-squirrel mesh, but the daffodils, scilla, grape hyacinths, and tulips don’t care. They are poking through anyway. The question on everyone’s lips is, “Should we worry about this weather?” Is this a sign of climate change or just one of those odd things that happen now and then, like a record snow fall, or a drought? I haven’t a clue and don’t think the scientists can say. We know that weather isn’t climate, but that may not be terribly comforting. So, I have decided that the only thing I can actually do is to stay outside and enjoy the beautiful day. I will take it to be a gift in the middle of distressing times. We may not be able to control world events, nor do we need to ignore the things that trouble us, but we can take a day or two to enjoy some sunshine and a few unseasonable flowers. Even if you have sworn off sweets, when someone has gone to the trouble of baking you something delicious, all you can do is eat it with great pleasure – and a bit of gratitude, as well.