Sunday, February 4, 2024

Here comes the sun! (BY BARB)


As much as I love lobster (as in Lucy Lobster in Nova Scotia who did see her shadow) I'm going with the trio of groundhogs that did not see their shadows hence promising us an early spring! And lucky for them that we finally had a day with mostly sunshine - you know that sun that had disappeared like a pouty teenager off in a funk and not coming out of their bedroom!

And while we're talking about animals - I was a bit concerned when I saw Spirit today, as he could hardly open his eyes  (oh oh...another vet visit?!)- that's because he was squinting - as he looked out our window and saw this rare glare of sunlight coming through the window! I could tell he was confused.....

And who needed Environment Canada to tell us that we only had 48.5 hours of sunlight in January? Guess what it should be........85 hours is the average.  But even those hours of sunlight occurred mostly in the first 2 weeks of the month. So we can be forgiven, as January wore on endlessly, with the dark, gloomy and depressing days and weeks, for fighting the tendency to call it quits in what we now call "Januweary"

So yes, it does make us appreciate the sunshine even more.  And a reminder of how these magical rays of sunshine - and the big blue skies - lift our spirits like nothing else.  People are smiling, walking around like a big load has been lifted, talking to people they would not usually, to say nothing of all the dogs with more spring in their stride as our pets often pick up on their owners' mood! Our Saturday morning walk brought a lightness to our steps and we all agreed that we did not care about any cold as long as the sun shone upon us. 

As the sun shines through what I now see as dirty windows, and where did all those fingerprints come from on the furniture?? I'm going to ditch the bottle of Vitamin D that I've been guzzling, find my sunscreen, and my sunhat (somewhere at the back of the closet behind the rainhats?) and Spirit and I will head out to the balcony with our lunch.  And give thanks to mother nature for rescuing us, just in the nick of time I'd say, to remind us of her gift that just keeps on giving - and we will never again take for granted.