Monday, August 7, 2017

Walking thankfully...

It has been a bit of a stressful time for me with a number of family health issues that, thank heavens, have all turned out well.
It felt like a bit of a celebration to get out on Sat with a small but dedicated 7am group (Rorie and Phyllis). I am training for the Scotia Half so need to get some longer distance in. It was decidedly cool out to start but turned out to be perfect walking weather. I was going 16K and Rorie was going 18 with a time goal. We started out together and then Rorie took off like a shot. Phyllis graciously kept me company for the entire way and it was great to catch up and share our various stories.
We admired the cloud formations, commented on the additional mess the recent storm and choppy water had kicked up on the beach, pushed back on the blustery wind, breathed in the delicious aromas of Caribana food  and, all in all, had an excellent walk. We met the 8 o'clock gang on our way back and, of course, over breakfast for more chat.

As always, I am so grateful to have the group as an oasis in a busy life. Thank you all for your good wishes and support. I think the happy outcome is due, at least in some part, to all the positive thinking you aimed my way.