Sunday, August 13, 2017

Things don't always happen as planned

This weekend I struggled to get out the door to walk. Competing priorities and to be frank, no motivation to get out the door.  I did not walk this weekend.  This is not good when my fall race is just over a month away.

This afternoon I read the quote below

"Walk in places you love with people you like. Enjoying your surroundings and training partners will strengthen your commitment to walk and bring out the best in you"  Deena Kastor - Olympic Marathoner  (of course I replaced run with walk)

In my experience that is absolutely true.  I think my challenge this year is I have walked very little with our group and it is reflected in my training.  I receive support via emails and texts but its NOT the same as walking the distance together.  I have always done a lot of my distances alone but its not fun this year, except for a few lovely walks.

So. as race day looms, I know that I have no choice but to get out there and do the distance, skipping one long training walk is often part of the process - as life gets in the way.  I promised myself I would not skip two.

Walk your distance and enjoy the summer days this week.