Monday, December 4, 2023

Winter Solstice (BY SHIRLEY)


As the days grow darker and the weather colder, the Neanderthal brain encourages us to hibernate. We create excuses to stay home. That is why TPW is important to all of us.  They are there to encourage and provide activity when needed.  Our community is forward looking.  Many of us are planning Spring races. Some hardy souls are looking at Winter events.  However, races are secondary to the comradery of getting out for an hour or two and walking in our wonderful neighbourhoods. Or joining in Social events to share our lives with each other.

Some of us like to supplement or cardio with other activities. Looking for a Pilates or Yoga class?  There will be suggestions that will work for you.  Need advice or just someone to listen?  There is someone there. 

Looking for your next adventure?  Chances are someone in the group has suggestions to share where they have been and what to check out when you go yourself.

TPW is a band of sage individuals who are happy to invite you into their world and make you a part of the family.