Sunday, January 20, 2019

A Cold, Snowy Day

I almost turned over and went back to sleep this Saturday when I checked the temperature.  I finally got moving by promising myself that I would turn back at the underpass if I was cold.  By the time I made it to the underpass, we’d been rewarded with sightings of the family of coyotes living in the cemetery.  Of course, wild beings in the city don’t always end happily.  But they are so handsome, I always feel gratified to see them.   I was happy with the weather and the company so finished my circuit.
I committed to myself that this winter I’d do the full 12K maintenance walk every Saturday.  After quitting early every Saturday during a disappointing December, I think I’ve come up with the answer.  I’m walking a circuit of the cemetery for 6K and then, after breakfast, I’m walking to St. Andrews Station for another 6K.  It seems to be something I can enjoy, not a chore.  There’s always something interesting happening on Yonge Street.  I can’t congratulate myself on my pace but the distance is what matters.  On a freezing snowy day, I can use the Path from Dundas.
As I write, the snow is flying sideways outside my window.  I’m glad to be nestled in my home, listening to a collection I call “Ridiculous Love Songs.”  Think Air Supply.  Very cozy!