Monday, July 23, 2018

The Annual TPW Pool Party

Olivia, an English Bulldog Terrier
Had the patience of logs.
She’d sit there quietly watching
Women with burgers or dogs.
When talking (as they are sure to),
They would let their attention stray.
She’d strike with speed and accuracy
To take their meat sandwich away.
What an entertaining dog!

 I missed the swimming part of this year’s party, arriving only in time for burgers barbequed perfectly by Stuart.  Rorie had an iPad filled with pictures from the years we’ve been together.  As I looked at those and then around the backyard at all of these wonderful women whom I’ve known for so many years, I thought about how fit and happy they all looked.   I know that every one of them has faced hard times but they are all so resilient.  It might be the walking, but I suspect it’s the company.  Thanks for being there, you guys!