Sunday, May 27, 2018


This Saturday was the beginning of the heat entering into the Saturday walks. Last Saturday it rained and we were  soaked to the bone. There was a chill last Saturday that kind of lingered around. There was no chill on Saturday.

Soon, very soon, Phyllis will be sending out an email stating that the heat has become too unbearable and we are to start an hour earlier. It is a fantastic solution except for those of us who have other commitments on Friday night or just like to sleep in later. So some of us continue to meet at 8:30am and all sorts of creative arrangements are made where the earlier group loops in with the 8:30am group.

I have to say, I  love heat  I absolutely love heat but when the heat approaches 30 C I cannot – in comfort, train in it. Truth be told, it rarely approaches 30 C ( wink ).