Monday, April 30, 2018

Good Things To Do

The four of us sat down to eat breakfast in rain soaked clothing. The heat from the restaurant was welcomed. Warm food and hot beverages heated the inside of our bodies. So we did what we always do; we talked.

I spoke about how in 2019 – I will be ordering x-large , xx-large shirts and jackets when I sign up for races that are including  clothing with the race fee.    Raised eyebrows lowered when I stated that a TPW member  told me that the mentally ill people she assists desperately need x-large and xx-large race gear. Seems the medication some of the individuals take also causes them to gain massive amounts of weight. By next year I will be down to the weight that I want to be and from that point on  I will no longer need all the gear (at least for a few years) that one acquires when signing up for a race. Even now my size is too small for those within the mentally ill community that she assists. So since I will have no need by next year for the gear I will just order x-large or xx-large and give her the gear at the end of the year. Agreement was reached that this would be a good thing to do.

Anyone else think it is a good thing to do ?

Then the conversation went on to completing – in 2019 – a half marathon in London, England. Seems that there is a preregistration link. One of the four at breakfast said she will put the link  on our Facebook.(added here too)  Don’t know about you but I have been doing a few10Ks and 5Ks in the last few years. Lately I have been thinking about the Goofy (Disney)I completed when I turned sixty. Maybe it is because I am turning sixty five that I am thinking that it is time to get back to longer distances. Maybe it is because family members are now attended to that I have been looking at a few hills and thinking that it is time to start training again. Seems this race is located right in the downtown of London, England. I really enjoy that particular city. So I ended up registering on the preregistration link.

Anyone else think it is a good thing to do ?

On and on our talk went. Soon the coldness of the walk left us . Strange thing about doing good things; just seems to make everything warmer.