Monday, June 12, 2017

Better late than never.....

Summer training has many benefits. I love the energy I have after finishing a long walk on a Saturday morning knowing I have the day ahead of me. Sometimes that means a well-deserved nap later that day or it can mean walking another 5-10 km enjoying the city.

I did 18k on Saturday at the cottage. I enjoyed the scenery as I passed through the provincial parks. It was peaceful and shaded which only enhanced the experience.  While I enjoy training with the group I also love the time on my own. Technology enables us to train together without being together.  With Garmin Connect app, I can see the 10k route of the race Phyllis and Dianne did in Central Park on Saturday.  I saw the 6.3k lap in Mt Pleasant cemetery many of you did. I learned that Rorie and I walked the same pace and Saturday, which is good given we are walking together in Montreal.  All of this from the cottage.  It makes training on my own easier.

One problem with I have with not training with our group is my start time. Saturday morning In Toronto I would be arriving 3-5 minutes before or after our meeting time (usually after).
At the cottage my 8 am start became a 10 am start, which is not good when the temps are high and the distance is 18km.

No matter how many races you do, all the training you do, I always learn something. This week I learned to bring enough fuel, start early to avoid midday sun - of course I knew that but I was reminded on Saturday.

I wonder what I will learn this week.